Lloyd's Lodge



We are a friendly Lodge who take our freemasonry seriously but always remember that ours is a hobby and as such should be enjoyed.

Since 2012 we have initiated 6 new members and have a number of new young applicants who will be welcomed into the Lodge during the next Masonic year proving that we continue to be a dynamic and active Lodge.

Our members are mainly, although certainly not exclusively, composed of people who work in or are connected to the Insurance Industry in London. We have Underwriters, Brokers, Techicians and Claims specialists coming from Marine, Non Marine, Aviation and other specialist markets. We have Financial Advisors and other professions amongst our ranks as well. We also have a number of members who whilst in insurance actually work abroad in Hong Kong, Austrailia, USA and Italy making us quite a cosmopolitan team.

A number of our members also belong to Provincial Lodges where they live as they want to belong to a City Lodge which they can attend easily whilst working in London and we are delighted to welcome them and have them take a prominent part in our Lodge. We have had several of these new members in recent years.

As our members reside in all parts of the commuter belt around London we have found that the best way of involving our families socially is by holding Lodge Ladies weekends which will continue (the next one is being planned for March 2021). On these weekends our wives and partners are encouraged to mix with others in a relaxed atmosphere.



OFFICERS OF LLOYD’S LODGE 5673 for the YEAR 2019-2020

Worshipful Master : Robert Solly

Immediate Past Master and Mentor : Darren Lester

Senior Warden : Robert Hunt

Junior Warden : Paul Jeffrey

Senior Deacon : Ross Lazeroo-Hood

Junior Deacon :Giles Carey

Inner Guard : Angelo Soteriou

Chaplain : Chris Cheshire

Treasurer : Paul Drew

Secretary : Ian Wilson

Director of Ceremonies : Phil Sims

Assistant Director of Ceremonies : Michael Cole

Charity Steward : John Connolly

Almoner : Ian Wilson

Stewards : Ray Barbieri, Alex Ubchev, Mike Newson,


A Very Special Visitor and Raising Ceremony at Earl Spencer Lodge No 1420

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The speech as art: a new Mason’s Speech

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FOREWORD: RW Bro. Warren Duke, Metropolitan Grand Master

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