Lloyd's Lodge



Like many other Freemasons Lodges we  are proud of the support and help we give to many charitable causes. We do emphasise this is not a compulsory element of our membership but rather a voluntary one. Most of us contribute on a regular basis to our Charity Chest – again not in any way compulsory – and each member decides what he wishes to contribute (remembering that 10 pence from a poor man is worth more than £10 from a rich man).

We are proud of the fact that since 2000 we have given over £25,000 to a variety of charities (40% to Masonic charities and 60% to non-masonic charities).

We hold Patron status for The New Masonic Samaritan Fund and the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys and are an accredited Patron of the London Air Ambulance Fund set up to buy London’s second Air Ambulance.

One of our members wives took part in a SKYDIVE (in our name) in aid of the project to give the London Fire Brigade 2 SKYLADDERS to ensure they have access to the really high rise blocks in future she was instrumental in raising several thousand pounds and we can report that the first Skyladder has been paid for and London Freemasons are now working towards financing the second.

Whilst we support the Masonic Charities (we donated £1,000 on the formation of the new Masonic Charitable Foundation) our members support many local charities. Each Master can nominate a charity either for specific amounts or to be the recipient of a series of donations and we encourage members to nominate charities they have a special interest in supporting.


A Very Special Visitor and Raising Ceremony at Earl Spencer Lodge No 1420

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The speech as art: a new Mason’s Speech

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FOREWORD: RW Bro. Warren Duke, Metropolitan Grand Master

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